February 17, 2009

In Merlin's Shadow #1 by Jeff and Mary Strong

"We had to come Dad. I told you we have to do a paper for science. I don't see why you have to make it such a big deal!" Roxanne screamed right before she slammed the car door for further emphasis of her displeasure.
After the car sped away Elizabeth spoke.
"What's up with your father, Roxanne? Stressed over the move here?"
"He's always like that, Elizabeth." Roxanne answered with her face growing increasingly redder from her anger, embarrassment and frustration.
"He hates me. He has always hated me. Roxanne directed her gaze toward the pavement unconsciously trying to hold back years of pent up tears and then into Elizabeth's eyes consciously. Roxanne did not want to appear broken in anyway to this new friend.
"Come on, Roxanne, I'm sure he doesn't hate you." Elizabeth smiled hoping to seem the comforting and supportive friend. Elizabeth feared that she had befriended Roxanne against her better judgment. Everyone in school said Roxanne was freaky and odd. She wore flannel shirts and blue jeans to school every day. She never wore makeup or anything sexy and kept to herself in very odd ways. But Elizabeth decided after last Sunday's sermon to befriend someone who was obviously difficult to love and Roxanne came first to mind. She wanted to be like Jesus to love the lowly and down trodden.
"He has hated me for years Elizabeth and I want to apologize for his rude behavior toward you." Roxanne said and turned toward the library.
"We're here to research right?" Roxanne said.
Elizabeth darted to the door. She was embarrassed by Roxanne's Dad's behavior to her in the car but wanted to try and cover it up until she could talk to her friends about it. It would make interesting conversation.
"Let me." Elizabeth smiled as she opened the door for Roxanne to enter.
"Thanks." Roxanne smiled genuinely. "You make me feel special."
"Announcing Queen Roxanne!" Elizabeth heralded with a forced smile.
Roxanne returned the smile genuinely and lifted her head to appear the more regal. "Wouldn't it be nice if I was a real queen." Roxanne said as she entered convincing Elizabeth that this friendship could never work. Not even Jesus could expect it of her.
Elizabeth caught up to Roxanne quickly because Roxanne upon entering had stopped walking and literally had her nose in the air.
Elizabeth more convinced now than ever of the oddness of Roxanne decided she didn't want to be seen to near this person again.
"Do you smell that?" Roxanne asked clutching Elizabeth's arm.
Margaret the lead cheerleader had just walked in and had to squeeze around Roxanne to get in and of coarse saw Elizabeth with the odd new girl. Elizabeth felt horrified.
"Books?" Elizabeth said trying to break Roxanne's clutch of her arm.
"No, Elizabeth." Roxanne said. "It's something else it's like..."
Roxanne searched for the words as she inhaled deeply again. Now an old man had to squeeze around her to get out the door. She was completely oblivious to anything other than her nose. "It's chocolate. Yes It's chocolate." Roxanne said firmly.
"No!" She squeezed Elizabeth's struggling arm tighter and pulled her uncomfortably close. "it's like rose petals after a summer rain. No! Elizabeth!" she said and whispered into Elizabeth's ear. “It's like wood smoke. You know like when a neighbor burns leaves and wood in their yard."
Roxanne finally released Elizabeth's arm and inhaled again. Now Roxanne clutched her own arms around herself.
"No, it's more like lavender. Yes I'm certain it's lavender. That's it!" she announced firmly finally opening her eyes and looking into the surprised and uncomfortable eyes of Elizabeth.
"Are you completely mad, Roxanne?" Elizabeth asked quite seriously.
Roxanne inhaled.
"You're right, Elizabeth. I must be mad. It's nothing like lavender it's citrus. Is that what you think?" Roxanne smiled again a Cheshire cat kind of smile to no one at all and inhaled.
"But then again Elizabeth? Cedar?" Roxanne directed her attention to Elizabeth again momentarily. "What do you think, Elizabeth?
"I think we came to research this thing about symbiosis and we are supposed to have a list of symbiotic relationships for tomorrow. So, let's move on, Please?"
Roxanne and Elizabeth walked together until they reached the steps which led to the children's section. Roxanne stopped and looked up toward the top.
"That's the kid section. We need to go over there." Elizabeth said gesturing ahead of them with a nod.
Roxanne completely ignored Elizabeth. "It's coming from up there." Roxanne climbed the steps and Elizabeth took the opportunity to distance herself and headed for the adult section.
Roxanne didn't even notice that Elizabeth was not with her. She was intoxicated by the fragrance and had to discover it's source. "This must be what it's like for a honey bee" She said aloud to no one. And since she was now at the top of the steps headed towards what she hoped would be the source of that fragrance.
Roxanne's nose was too high in the air to see that from behind a row of book shelves perpendicular to her flight a large foot was about to jut out and collide with her foot and thus she tripped.
"Yikes!" she exclaimed as she realized she was falling. And all eyes turned in her direction.
But the owner of the foot was quick and his arms jutted out just in time to catch Roxanne right before she struck the floor. His beefy hands closed on her arms to lift her and
the honey bee found her flower and both their lives changed forever.

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